I M Nikhil Srivastava

Nikhil Kumar Srivastava,Web Developer,Web Designer,Full stack developer, Arduino Enthusiast

Name: Nikhil Kumar Srivastava

Profile: Full Stack Developer

Email: nikhilchemistry282@gmail.com

Phone: 7300432338


HTML 85%
CSS3 75%
C 90%
C++ 85%
Python Technologies 80%
DSA 65%
About me

Hello,Myself Nikhil Kumar Srivastava. I am persuing degree of engineering in the field computer science. My aim is to work in bigest MNC of the world. I am interested in Robo designing. I am working on it and it is sure i will be able to do it. I am hardworking and i like in me that i can adjust in any environment. I will be always thanks to each and every one who support me and special thanks to my parents. I am a web developer and loves to solve complexs programming problems. Learning new technologies is my Passion.I am an alumini of Jawahar navodya "a central academy for education and passed my high schools from there.

My favourite subject is chemistry. I am also interested in coding , web designing.I see my future in these fields.

Github Link


Web Development

Developing awesome webpages using HTML CSS BOOTSTRAP JAVASCRIPT And Backend Of Your Choice